Signs you Need to Take a Mental Health Day

Do you ever get up in the morning and wonder if it would be okay for you to take a mental health day? If so, you’re definitely not alone. In fact, research from the American Psychological Association shows that today’s workforce is experiencing job burnout at increasing rates.

What are Mental Health Days Exactly?

The good news is that taking a mental health day every once in a while can absolutely help you cope with work-related stress. But mental health days should not be confused with sick days.

Mental health days are simply those times when you need to take a break from anything work related. These personal days are used to reset your mind by focusing on activities that rejuvenate and reenergize you.

Signs it’s Time for a Mental Health Day

The following are some signs you need to put your mental health first:

You Feel Run Down

Being stressed and overworked can take a toll on your mind and body. If you’ve been feeling run down for a period of time, take a break.

You Feel Angry More Often

When we feel stressed and burned out, we feel angry more easily and more often. If you find you have been getting easily irritated, this is a sign it may be time for a mental health day.

You’re Having a Hard Time Focusing

When we’re stressed, our mental faculties take a hit and we can’t focus as easily. This makes it incredibly hard to get any work done. Which of course just makes us feel more stressed.

If you notice your cognitive abilities have declined a bit, it may be time to take some time to destress!

If you have been experiencing any of these signs, I encourage you to put your mental health first and take a mental health day. And if you would like to speak to someone about how you’re feeling, I can help. Reach out today and let's get started with a free consult!